Hot Fever Bath FAQ’s

Hydrotherapy is the greatest way to stimulate blood flow, clear stagnation & bring about healing. Hydrotherapy affects you not only on a physical but also on a spiritual & emotional level. With the use of hot & cold water, you will experience a push & pull effect to stimulate your parasympathetic & sympathetic nervous system. The hot water will drive the blood to the peripheries & relax you, while the cold water will help drive the blood into and out the internal organs. The Hot Fever Bath is an optional part of the S.T.A.R.T A N.E.W  principles. In 2019, Rory was one of the contestants on a Warner Bros. Production via an SBS Australian show seasoned ‘Medicine or Myth’ episode 1, where he demonstrated the powerful healing effects of this natural hydrotherapy treatment in front of a panel of experts. Click here to see the episode (minute 45:00). 

  • What is the Hot Fever Bath?

The Hot Fever Bath is a hydrotherapy remedy to encourage & produce an artificial fever, which helps to stimulate the body’s own immune system, pull out toxins & heavy metals & accelerate healing by increasing white blood cell activity. Leukotaxis – is the process of attracting white blood cells to an area in the body where inflammation or injury is. It will help to stimulate the body’s own defence system by increasing the rate at which your white blood cells work, by doubling their activity for every degree Fahrenheit that it’s raised; which can be 6400% more efficient with a fever of roughly 40 degrees Celsius. This is done by making a bath as hot as one could get into without burning the skin, & then putting in a combination of three herbs- Cayenne, Ginger & Mustard in a tied cloth. The addition of the Cayenne helps stimulate blood flow to the heart, the Ginger will take blood to the peripheries which aids its anti nausea effect & the Mustard will help to stimulate a fever. While the patient is in the bath, they need to drink 6-8 cups of a diaphoretic herb such as Peppermint, Yarrow tea with a pinch of cayenne or ginger. The diaphoretic herbs will help to induce sweating & this will help bring about the artificial fever. We then wrap the patient up in an icy cold white sheet & lie them on a bed where they will be wrapped up with 2 natural fiber blankets & left there to sleep.

  •  What does an artificial fever do?

A fever is your body’s way of fighting off bacterial or viral infections, sickness & diseases. People are often concerned about fevers because of what allopathic medicine has said about the dangers of fevers, as the practice of a lot of medical doctors is to lower the fevers when they are too high; which goes against what the body is trying to do. A fever only becomes dangerous when it is dry (the patient is dehydrated or they don’t drink enough fluids during the hydrotherapy treatment/ fever, this is why they need to drink 6-8 cups of tea), or when it reaches 41+ degrees, as you may be at risk of hyperthermia which can cause convulsions & irreparable brain damage.

  • What disease can be treated with the Hot Fever Bath? 

The Hot Fever Bath is good for a general detoxification and you don’t necessarily need to be sick or have a fever to benefit from it, in fact, it’s better to try the Hot Fever Bath when you are not sick so that you will be more confident to experience the powerful healing effects of hydrotherapy before illness strikes. The Hot Fever Bath has been used to treat communicable illnesses such as the common cold & flu or pneumonia, but also respiratory illnesses such as asthma & bronchitis (as it will help to expectorate mucus), chronic degenerative conditions like arthritis & viral infections such as AIDS. Rory has even seen the powerful effects of the Hot Fever Bath to heal Malaria. It has also traditionally been used to treat other diseases such as cancer as it has the potential to shrink cancerous tumors to half the size within 4 hours.

  • Where did the Hot Fever Bath originate from?

This remedy has been passed down for at least a couple of hundred years to help cure acute illnesses & so called ‘incurable diseases’. Rory came across the Hot Fever Bath about 16 years ago when a friend gave him some DVD’S called ‘Save Your Life’ by a Herbalist called Dr. Richard Schulze, who used the Hot Fever Bath (referring to it as the ‘Cold Sheet Treatment’) on his patients as a part of his Incurables Program [1]. Dr. Richard Schulze learned the Cold Sheet Treatment from Dr. John R. Christopher, a renowned American Thomsonian Herbalist.

  • What is Thomsonian Herbalism?

Samuel Thomson (9 February 1769 – 5 October 1843) was a self-taught American herbalist and botanist, best known as the founder of the alternative system of medicine known as ‘Thomsonian Medicine’, which enjoyed wide popularity in the United States during the 19th century[2]. It was Dr. Christopher who modified the ‘Cold Sheet Treatment’ with the addition of the herbs in the bath– Cayenne, Ginger & Mustard. He also added other diaphoretic herbs such as Peppermint, Ginger or Yarrow tea to drink, & this replaced just drinking the hot water as was previously practiced. Dr. Christopher also added the use of Cayenne Pepper & Lobelia tinctures; which were the two primary herbs of Thomsonian Herbalist’s, which were added to just about every formula. Both Dr. Christopher & Dr. Schulze make mention the German priest known as Father Sebastian Kneipp & his book entitled “My Water Cures” who used hydrotherapy as one of the 5 pillars to heal his patients [3].  

  • Are there contraindications for the Hot Fever Bath?

The Hot Fever Bath goes against current recommendations of allopathic medicine, as the common practice is to lower and suppress fevers through pharmaceutical medication.

Caution: Do not do the Hot Fever Bath on young children, elderly, pregnant women, if a patient already has a fever and his temperature is above 39.5 ° C, and in cases of Septicaemia, Diabetes with peripheral neuropathy or insulin dependence, heart disease, low blood pressure or moderate to severe high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases such as Lupus and on patients on immunosuppressive medication. Seizures &/ or irreparable brain damage or death may result if the body cells are exposed to 41+ degrees for extended periods.


[1] (21.11.2018)

[2] (21.03.2020)

[3] Christopher, John R. (1976): Herbal Home Health Care. USA: Christopher publications (updated & reprinted 2010). ISBN:978-1-879436-27-5.

Disclaimer: Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs provided on this website are for educational use only, and are not intended as medical advice. If you have any health concerns, always consult with a health care professional before self-administering herbs or natural medicine. Hill’s Herbal Health Co provides referenced information for educational purposes only, and does not make any therapeutic claims for any of their products or programs.
Please seek advice from a healthcare provider if you wish to use herbs for therapeutic purposes.
Please contact us to book a Telehealth consultation if you have any health concerns you would like to discuss.

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