• How do I optimise my essential nutrient intake?

By eating living food – raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts & sprouts. These external food sources are necessary for our bodies to obtain the nutrients that are essential for our health. Our Rainbow Superfood Elixir is made up of organic living foods that contain a complete spectrum of colourful superfoods & herbs, all with living enzymes & nutrients, to help optimise & supplement your essential vitamin & nutrient intake during your HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Program.

  • What are the suggested dietary guidelines during the HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Programs?

During your HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Program we will discuss with you which food agrees with your body’s needs. Generally, a whole food plant based diet consisting of mostly raw, organic, seasonal fruits and vegetables is the best diet to optimise your health and immunity. Aim to eat as much as possible from the Living Organic Food and avoid the C.R.A.P. We also recommend to have fresh juices every day.

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