Juicing FAQ’s

Why we recommend to have fresh, organic, daily juices during the HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Programs

  • Why do I need to juice?

To optimise your vitality & immunity, it is necessary to consume a balanced, wholefood diet to ensure optimal essential nutrient intake. There are many reasons why our western diet is often lacking in essential nutrients. One reason is the processing of the C.R.A.P food, another one is the lack of minerals in the soil which is due to mono agriculture & over use of the land. In fact, it is claimed that almost all of our diseases are the result of nutritional deficiencies. Juicing fruits & vegetables acts like a natural blood transfusion, making it easier for your digestive system to uptake & assimilate the essential vitamins & minerals for healthy body cells & tissue. Having fresh, organic, cleansing juices is liquid medicine and necessary on your HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing healing journey. Remember to chew each mouthful of your juice before you swallow.

  • Why do I need to juice with a juicer?

You will benefit a lot on your HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Program healing journey by using a juice extraction machine because it separates the pulp & reduces the fruit & vegetables to a liquid fibre free juice. If the fibre remains, it wouldn’t release as many nutrients & it would slow down the digestion & absorption of vital detoxification nutrients. So if you don’t have a juicer, now is the time to sell your TV or car & invest in a juicer, as it could save your life.

  • How much fresh juice should I have? 

Start the juicing in week 1 & go through until the end of your HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Program. It is best to do as many juices as possible. It is suggested that you have at least 1 litre, but preferably 2 litres of fresh juices daily, as this will help reduce the amount of formed food you need to consume, which will help your body accelerate detoxification and healing processes. 

  • When is the best time for the juice?

Drink your fresh organic juice on an empty stomach, if possible before 12 noon each day. Try to split the 1-2 litres into 3-4 doses.

  • What food can I juice?

Good organic produce combinations to juice include: 

  • Celery, Cilantro leaf & Apple.
  • Carrot, Apple, Lemon & Ginger.
  • Grape, a pinch of fresh / powdered Cayenne & Ginger.
  • Beetroot, Celery & Carrot with Ginger.

Optional, you can add a little pineapple or lemon/ limes to any of the suggested listed juice combinations. Feel free to use your imagination. Juicing bananas or most berries generally doesn’t work well, as they are lower in water content; save these fruits for your Rainbow Superfood Elixir™.

  • Should I stick to the same juice?

Sometimes it’s best to stick with the same juice for a couple of days & then alternate to the others, but either way don’t use any excuses! Get down to your local health food shop & pick up some fresh produces & get ready for the liquid medicine that’s going to help cleanse, nourish and heal every cell in your body.

  • What do I do if I do not have a juicer?

That’s not an excuse for not having cleansing, nutritious juices during your detox! If for whatever reason you don’t have a juicer, you can borrow one from a friend or neighbour, buy a second-hand one… you could also use an alternative squeezer & squeeze some fresh organic citrus fruits such as lemon, oranges &/ or grapefruits. Another option would be to use your food processor or nutribullet & blend some fresh produce such as the above mentioned juice combinations or feel free to use your imagination. There is always the ‘lazy’ option to buy your organic juices from your health food shop, even though the nutrient intake won’t be as high as having a fresh juice, it is still better than no juice at all. And just to give you an idea that there are really no excuses: when Rory was practising herbal medicine in East Africa & was working in an orphanage where they didn’t have a juicer, he taught the kids to literally grate & squeeze the carrot juice by hand & strain it through a cloth.

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