“Our mission is to optimise body, mind & spirit through our customised HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Programs, using the power of herbs, superfoods & biohacks together with the S.T.A.R.T A N.E.W principles. I have been making herbal detoxification formulas for over 16 years & have a passion to share my knowledge & empower individuals to utilise the power of natural healing.”- Rory Hill, Founder of Hill’s Herbal Health

Rory Hill
Health Revolutionist 
~ Western Herbal Medicine Practitioner 
~ Detox & Health Coach
~ Sommelier Tea Blender 
(Wellness Herbal Tea Blends) 
~ CertifiedPersonal Trainer
~ Nutritional Support Certified 
~ Registered Enrolled Nurse 16+ years

Practitioners that have influenced the way Rory practices herbal medicine:
~ Jethro Kloss
~ Samuel Thomson
~ Dr. John R. Christopher
~ Dr. Richard Schulze
~ Hulda Clark
~ Ellen G. White
~ Steven Horne
~ Thomas Easley
~Harry Hoxey
  • How Rory became interested in herbal & natural healing methods 

I started my journey into herbal medicine when I was 21 after getting a tummy bug in South East Asia. Unfortunately, I drank palm juice that was contaminated with a parasite called Giardia. The tummy bug gave me vomiting and diarrhoea and I lost 8 kg in less than two weeks. When I returned to Australia, I went to the doctors to get some stool & stomach tests and was prescribed 5 courses of strong antibiotics over roughly 12 months. The doctors, however, still couldn’t get rid of the pathogenic infection. So I  decided to try to heal myself naturally and started to research. I discovered that charcoal was good for cleansing the gut of toxins & pathogens and that olive leaf extract was a natural antibiotic, so I used both and in two weeks, I was healed and was back to having regular bowel actions. This took place 20 years ago, and since this time I have never seen charcoal fail to clear up all symptoms of vomiting & diarrhoea when used in reasonable doses, usually in less than 24 hours. Activated Charcoal is known for its adsorbent properties, as it attracts & binds to toxins, & eliminates them out of the body via the gastrointestinal tract. That’s why we add it to our Bowel Cleanse Formula #2™. Since my first discovery, I haven’t looked back on learning about alternative ways to heal and protect body, mind & spirit.   

  • Why we believe that we need a health revolution and that you can heal yourself

I studied to be a nurse 17 years ago and after a period at Uni, I decided to go on a trip to East Africa to get experience using natural medicine. I was astonished to see many diseases healed through the hands of Mother Nature, including ringworm healed with some potent avocado oil, a young boy with dysfunctional kidneys walked properly again when given dandelion root tea for two weeks, a patient with AIDS and lung cancer, who was prognosticated by the doctors to die within 6 month, whose lung cancer was healed using castor oil packs and hydrotherapy…Experiencing the power of natural medicine made me question the methods practised in hospitals. I realised that we have reached a time in history, that unless we bring about a mass revolution of our health as a human family, we may be on the verge of extinction within less than 100 years. After my journey in Africa, I  have come to an understanding that almost all illnesses can be healed in spite of what your doctors may diagnose, but only if you choose to change your lifestyle & become more health conscious. That’s why we have developed & incorporated the S.T.A.R.T A N.E.W principles as the foundation for every HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Program. Over the next 20 years, I continued studying herbal medicine & was making my own herbal formulas & pursuing my love for natural healing. I learned what Hippocrates taught nearly 2,500 years ago, that health begins in the gut and to let “food be our medicine and medicine be our food”.

Disclaimer: Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs provided on this website is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. If you have any health concerns, always consult with a healthcare professional before self-administering herbs or natural medicine.