Health is a journey & each day is time to


The S.T.A.R.T A N.E.W principles, or what we call the ‘9 Laws of Health’, lay the foundation for all of our Hill’s Herbal Health Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Programs. Each & every of the 9 principles is necessary and inevitable for your healing journey and cannot be seen as separate from the other 8 ones, as they are all interconnected. By slowly implementing & integrating these 9 Laws of Health’ into your daily habits, you will start to experience the healing benefits & optimise the immunity of body, mind & spirit. Even if you only achieve a couple of your health goals today, congratulate yourself & S.T.A.R.T A N.E.W tomorrow. 

S for SUNSHINE Don’t be afraid of the sun, but just use your common sense. Enjoy the sun, but do not let your skin burn & do not wash your skin for at least 2 hours after exposing it to sunlight, as this is the time it takes for your body to convert the UltraViolet (UV) light from the sun into this essential & often lacking nutrient Vitamin D (which is now classified as a Hormone). Another way to get ‘Hormone D’ into your body is through your eyes. Sungazing is an ancient practice changing the way people see, but it needs to be done intelligently, at the right time of the day. Increase the amount of time you are able to sungaze by 10 seconds everyday, within the first & last hour of the day. Could it be that Mother Nature gives us such beautiful sunrises & sunsets each & every day so that we may enjoy the benefits of beholding the sun?
T for TEMPERANCE One of the best ways to gain self mastery over your body, mind & spirit is to learn how to control & educate the appetite. It is believed that fasting increases our longevity & reboosts our immune system by producing more stem cells & clearing out the old white blood cells, allowing them to regenerate & accelerate healing. Just look at other animals when they are sick: They will fast, isolate themselves & lay down on the earth to heal. Challenge yourself to do a 1-4 day fast a week or month, &/ or try to incorporate a daily 12-18 (men) or 10-14 (women) hour intermittent fast, which will increase your metabolism & help optimise fat burning. The true definition of fasting is to use water only, but you may prefer & benefit by adding other liquids such as juices and herbal teas to your fasting routines. If you are considering doing a juice cleanse during one of our HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Programs, please let us know.
A for AIRThe importance of breathing correctly is the most neglected way to optimise health & wellbeing. Learning to breathe deeper & slower is an art & a science, but one of the most important biohacking habits that can optimise your overall well being. Breathing correctly is actually the quickest way to alkalise your body. Learn to breathe from your stomach and not from your chest. Most of us are shallow breathers, but if we are to provide optimal levels of our number one nutrient, namely Oxygen, we need to learn to breathe more deeply using our abdominal & oblique muscles. Incorporating a daily practice of meditation may help you to learn to focus on your breathing. 

R for REST
Choose an hour a day & at least one day a week where you actively take a full rest and use this time to reflect, meditate, read, go for a mindful walk, play an instrument, be creative… Regeneration can only take place when we relax body, mind & spirit, otherwise we will never obtain the health goals that we are aiming for. This is also why having a restorative sleep is so essential for your healing journey. If you are experiencing any difficulties sleeping, such as insomnia, night mares etc., communicate this to us & we will help you to optimise your sleep time with supplements & formulas such as our Hill’s Herbal Health CNS & Adrenal Support Formula. Incorporate breathing techniques, massages, yoga or an epsom salt bath before bedtime. Getting enough exercise will help your sleep, too, but remember not to exercise too closely to your bedtime because of the extra adrenaline that will circulate around your body. Avoid using blue light devices such as smartphones, computers & TVs in general & at least 2 hours before going to bed. 
T for TRUSTTrusting ourselves & others can be very challenging, but it is necessary for our healing journey. During your HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Program, you will be very likely to gain wisdom about your body, mind & spirit through thoughts, visions, dreams, gut feelings etc…Be ready to follow your intuition. You will accelerate your health journey keeping in mind that your personal transformation may be slow to rapid. It’s your journey & if something doesn’t feel right, try to listen to your inner voice, the infinite intelligence inside you, and learn to trust yourself. 
A for APPRECIATIONStart your day with gratitude. Having an appreciation journal, where you write down 1-3 things a day that you are grateful for, may help. Expressing feelings of appreciation & incorporating them into a meditation practice is one of the most powerful things that you can do to attract & to focus on what you want in your life, even if you don’t have it yet…
N for NUTRITIONA whole food plant based diet consisting of mostly raw, organic, seasonal fruits and vegetables is the best diet to optimise your health and immunity. There are important factors to take into account when consuming your food such as the quality of the soil & whether it has been sprayed with herbicides, fungicides & pesticides & other genetically modified chemicals such as glyphosate. Simply prepared meals with minimal cooking (over heating) are often the most nourishing. There are many ways to make it easier to digest legumes, grains and nuts without cooking them, such as sprouting, fermenting & activating. During your HHH Detox & Lifestyle Changing Program, we also recommend having fresh juices every day & your Rainbow Superfood Elixir™ Smoothie which is made up of organic living foods that contain a complete spectrum of colourful superfoods & herbs, all with living enzymes & nutrients, to help optimise & supplement your essential vitamin & nutrient intake. During your HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Program you will receive dietary guidelines and we will discuss with you which food agrees with your body’s needs. 
E for EXERCISEWe just need to use our common sense to know that moving our body every day will help us to get in flow & harmony with ourselves & the environment. Physical outdoor activity every day & for at least 30-60 minutes, such as walking, running, jumping, skipping, swimming, riding etc. is inevitable for your healing journey. Gentle aerobic exercise during your optional intermittent fasting will help to optimise your fat burning. You will not only increase your Oxygen intake but also expel up to 500% more Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from your body when you are doing moderate to intense exercise where your breathing & heart rate are significantly increased, e.g. High Intensity Interval Training. If you need any advice during your HHH Detoxification & Lifestyle Changing Program regarding adequate exercise for your personal health needs, please let us know. As a certified Personal Trainer, Rory will be able to give you an individual counselling.
W for WATEROur bodies are made up of more than 75% of water. We lose roughly 2 litres a day through our breath, skin, urine & bowels. The water that Mother Earth produces through condensation is pure water with a PH of 7, but because of so much air pollution, we have to rely on other water sources. If you are sourcing your own spring water, make sure that the PH is below 7. Avoid consuming hard & inorganic alkalizing minerals (that are positively electrostatically charged) such as calcium carbonate from tap water or even from inorganic mineral supplements, as they can lead to hardening of the arteries, arthritis, calcification of the brain etc. (Interesting fact: Pathogenic organisms like bacteria, viruses and parasites are also positively electrostatically charged). Conversely, organic plant nutrients are negatively electrostatically charged, which gives them the ability to act as antioxidants (free radical scavengers) and they are not only accepted but also assimilated by the body. A method to test your water is by boiling it down until there is nothing left in the pot, and if the water is alkaline, you will see a white film on the pot. Steam distilled water is the purest empty water available & is good for making your herbal teas and decoctions because it has a greater hydrostatic pull to optimise your herbal constituents intake. You can always add some lemon or lime juice or even a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to increase the alkalinity of steam distilled water. 
Water therapy, known as Hydrotherapy, is probably one of the oldest healing practices known and one of the most powerful ways to move blood around the body & increase oxygen to your brain & muscles. Hydrotherapy is probably the greatest biohack you can add to your morning routine to get you ready for the day. It will stimulate your sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system & push & pull the blood to help clear stagnation & improve mental alertness. One technique that everyone can incorporate is to alternate hot (but not burning hot) & cold (as much as you can tolerate) in the shower. Repeat this 5-10 times, 1-2 times daily. As your tolerance & strength increases, try to aim for using colder water and have more rounds of the hot cold cycle. Remember to finish your shower with lukewarm water. Another really powerful hydrotherapy practice is a Hot Fever Bath, which can form a part of your healing journey.